Monday, February 21, 2011

Rush Limbaugh: Michelle Obama 'Doesn't Look Like' She Eats Healthy Foods (AUDIO)

This lard ass, pill popping, hypocrite is only credible in the company of his legion of GOP, conservati­ve idiots. Nothing in the First Lady's campaign to stop childhood obesity promotes her own diet/exerc­ise routine as a model to follow. This guy is filthy rich because he has successful­ly mind screwed his listener base. He and his fans are why the U.S. is so hated in other parts of the world. I'm counting the days until all of his skeletons are exposed to the world. When the stories hit his base will crumble like a day old cookie.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Anonymous said...

Ignorance of this nature must indeed be truly bliss. For one to symbolize a swimsuit model the epitome of health confirms that either one doesn’t read or constantly lives in a state of drug induced obstructed reality. Based on his statement, Rush Limbaugh has labeled himself as fitting perfectly into both of these categories.
As an adult in an intelligent modernized society the expectation to better future generations is a requirement and an obligation, of which Limbaugh has no intent to comply. On the surface, the example of excessive indulgencies is what he exhibits as wholly correct. His underlying motivation covets lust and precepts of women as sex objects. He seems to be opposed to self-control and self-discipline and idealize that this conceptual thinking should be passed to future generations. What puzzles me is that many agree with his ideology, which appears to be a weapon used in the destruction of our children and the future of this country and world. If ones actions are not productive in the advancement of the future, reality permits that those actions can be conclusively noted a wasted effort and misuse of time. Many would argue that because Limbaugh has a strong following that he is proactive and I must concur. However, proactive in what, as what and to what that would advance any intelligent modernized civilization except to aid in the demise of its existence by corrupting the thinking of future generations.
Limbaugh’s statement profoundly announces that he is definitely and IDIOT in its most definitive definition. I personally would not want this person speaking on my behalf or for any organization that I may be affiliated. Dumbness is only observed when it is publically displayed.

Mr Blk American Opinion said...

Thank God for your comment because I was beginning to think I'm lone in my thoughts of this guy. He's a very dangerous man in this country. He exploits free speech for profit.