Thursday, May 20, 2010

Palin is an idiot and Jon Stewart Call her on it

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
On Topic: In the News - The Real America
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

There are a lot of people like Sarah Palin in this country. Very, very ignorant.

Baby on Board: Is Alicia Keys Pregnant?

Baby on Board: Is Alicia Keys Pregnant?

Whether Alicia Keys is pregnant or not is the multi-million dollar question for certain, but if so why are people that appear to have the stuff together having unprotected sex. So, does this rumor "trump' those rumors about Alicia being a lesbian?

Randy Jackson: Planning To Make Money Off Michael Jackson's Gravesite

Randy Jackson: Planning To Make Money Off Michael Jackson's Gravesite

Michael Jackson was/is bigger than his would be father-inlaw Elvis Presley, only now after their deaths can we settle the debate. Sadly it can and will be measure in dollars after death. Not sure whether his gravesite should be made public but the logistical issues with the crowds would eventually require a staff to manage. If it must be done of course his estate should have the benefit of profits and headaches.

Miss Jackson, Short and Sexy

Miss Jackson, Short and Sexy

Yes a very fresh new look for Ms. Jackson but I'm starting to see hints of big sista LaToya.

Michelle Obama's Curls: Hot or Not?

Michelle Obama's Curls: Hot or Not?

Man! The first lady keeps turning it up. Yes, the look is a hot look for Michelle Obama.