Sunday, March 13, 2011

(Exclusive) Ochocinco Marries Evelyn Lozada, "Child Please"

Chad Ochocinco Johnson, a.k.a. "Ochocinco" and Evelyn Lozada of Basketball Wives are indeed engaged amid much speculation as to whether the ceremony will ever take place.  As for Ochocinco the future NFL Hall of Famer and probably one of the best receivers in the league today is no stranger to beautiful women, groupies, baby mamas and "jump offs" could do a lot worse with regard to exterior beauty by choosing Ms. Lozada (she is clearly easy on the eyes). On the other hand he should do himself a solid by prolonging the wifey search purely based on Evelyn's reality TV celebrity seeking year.  Granted she suffered image challenges mainly due to editing decisions of her show's producers but come on, there is only so much editing to be done.  Aside from the show her attention seeking became apparent when she twitted partially nudes photos of herself.  She knew then as she knows now what she is doing.  The same way she in this season's final episodes dropped the goods squarely in Cinco's bed on her alleged first visit.  Nothing in the way Mr. Ochocinco has handled his NFL career or his brand would indicate he is "green" enough to make the rookie mistake of bringing a groupie/jump-off of the NBA, reality celeb or not to "wifey" status.  As for the headlines reading "Ochocino marries Evelyn Lozada .....," we say in Cinco's voice "child please".