Sometimes the best fight in the battle to save our children is to stand still and let life teach them the best lessons. To do this can be painful and requires faith but pays the return on your investment. Be strong for your children and just do it.
A stew of opinions that encourage Americans to value Black America's contributions to addressing the challenges of the issues facing our communities.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Just a Thought Today
There are season and cycles that we each experience in our daily journey. Some of these cycles are good and some are bad but they are our journey. Make the best of your unique journey by breaking the bad cycles to enhance the good cycles while helping others along the way. You were abused as a child, so get help, don't abuse children and encourage every child you have access to instead. Bottom-line here is we are all broken in some way but don't be defined by this brokenness. Be a beckon to someone facing trails in their journey while building on little victories towards greater victories.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Bikini-Clad Woman In Burger King Brawl Charged With Felony (VIDEO)
It has to be great being "ghetto" and "bama" at the same time. What freakin planet are we on? DAMN, DAMN, DAMN there are some things that take black folks back two hundred years and this sh*t qualifies as one. President Obama's historical presidency though significan
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Foxy Brown -- Kicked Off Cruise After Nail Disaster
Foxy Brown -- Kicked Off Cruise After Nail Disaster
It is seriously irritating when "ghetto" is all you can do. No wonder her career is basically non-existent. How can you think you're a strong woman when you can't handle the disappointment of being denied a manicure? A "boss" businesswoman would have showed up on time in the first place. Go to a tech. school and get started on your next career Foxy Brown.
Just a Thought Today
Be a credit to your race today and not someone who devalues their own while having an incredible ability to sh*t on your own doorstep where your children play and call it the "hood" and blame the white man's system for what you do to yourself.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Deion Sanders: Dez Bryant Needs Help
Here is one of the many reasons Deion Sanders will go down as one of the most influentia
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
(EXCLUSIVE) President Obama goes President Bush on Reasons for U.S. Libyan Involvement.
The last two weeks have been a political cat rodeo for President Obama’s administration due mainly to his decision to stand with United Nations allies and aid in the liberation of Libya from bad man of the month Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
This move stinks of Bush like justifications that just don’t add up to a justifiable cause for military involvement in the region. Ironically years ago then Senator Obama stood tall and racked up mega political points when he and a minority of other legislators opposed the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq shortly after the 9/11 crisis. Now President Obama finds himself in a pickle that will surely come back to haunt him during election season 2012. Just as former President Bush pushed for military action in Afghanistan and later Iraq/Saddam Hussein today President Obama has signed off on joining allied forces to campaign for the removal of Momar Gaddafi.
Today’s situation mirrors President Bush’s decision exactly in the following five distinct ways 1) U.S. military intervention/involvement was done without, Congressional backing, 2) humanitarian effort is and was a farce, 3) Undocumented/certified proof of terrorist support from Gaddafi (as i.e. weapons of mass destruction), 4) Push to promote democracy over alleged brutal dictator, and last but most dangerous, 5) OIL, OIL, OIL.
The American voters are very forgiving of political leaders i.e. President Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal but the first black president will stand a hot dog’s chance at a cookout then to gain re-election to the highest office with the track record of his predecessor. This could be the fatal dagger to the heart of his re-election bid.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Lawrence Taylor To Become Registered Sex Offender, Sentenced To 6 Years Probation
Not sure how someone of his status/cel
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'Good Morning America' Trashed By Chris Brown: Singer Explodes Off Stage, Breaks Window
This is a prime example of why single women need help raising young men. Granted after two years the media should slow up on the Rihanna episode but manhood dictates putting your game face on for work. Chris Brown is acting out with the emotions of an adolescent girl PMS-ing for the first time. Can we say train wreck?
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Amber Rose Talks Sex Tapes, Being A Teen Stripper
Casper the Friendly Stripper is on her job destroying the efforts of hard working women that are fighting to project postive images for women and not just black women. Young girls see Casper here and think the model for success is forget about school if you're cute, strip, be a groupie, snag a high profile man for a while maybe make a sex tape and it's on. Nothing in Ambers/Cas
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Nate Dogg Songs & Videos: Late Singer, Snoop Dogg Collaborator's Best Music (AUDIO, VIDEO)
Nate Dog was a great addition to the whole LBC, 213, Chronic, west coast rap scene. His R&B vocals help elevate the west coast hip hop sound. R.I.P. Nate Dog.
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Monday, March 14, 2011
Giving Back: How You And The Entertainment Community Can Help Struggling Families
Hats off to John Legend and any other celebritie
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Usher Sex Tape For Sale: Report
I'm beginning to think the celeb sex tape thing is the celebrity equivalent to a 401K plan. This ideal of someone leaking a tape is bul*sh*t at this point. If you are a celeb and have made a sex tape you know what you're doing, it's a PR stunt and would not be surprised if PR firms don't start making this crap a part of their pitch. Maybe this will help increase ticket and CD sales for Bieber and Usher.
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Tyra Banks Enrolled At Harvard Business School
Tyra not a favorite to some but this Harvard University move has to be respected. Like her or not you have to respect anyone with her level of success taking such courageous step. Much respect and good luck to her.
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Amber Rose Reveals Her Weight, Asks 'How Am I Fat?'
This famous groupie might want to focus on building a personality or some substains behind the sizzle of a hot young body. Beauty fades dear and if you don't find another high dollar arm to ride quickly you find that your 15 minutes is up. Also is it this picture or is Amber auditioning for the role of "Casper the Friendly Ghost". Come on Ma, pull it together if you can and don't take too long.
50 Cent's Japanese Earthquake Tweets Spark Outrage
This is why some people will eventually hit a bump in the road of life and no one will have any simpathy for them. It's sad to see the 50 Cents of the world get rich through rap/hip hop culture only to act out and provide living proof that money and success can't be replacemen
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
(Exclusive) Ochocinco Marries Evelyn Lozada, "Child Please"

Friday, March 11, 2011
(EXCLUSIVE) Will the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Trump Charlie Sheen in U.S. Media?
Today’s earthquake tragedy in Japan is an eye opening reminder of how sensitive the scales of life and death can be despite all of our futile attempts to micro manage this speck of space we occupy from a universal view. As we hope and pray for the welfare of the Japanese people and the future of that region one can likewise hope that in America the media might calibrate their scales a bit and better channel what they call “news worthy” or “breaking news”. Let’s face it we live in a country that by some official standard is considers a major player in the global power game. Yet it is laughable to note that this same world power (America) with its media giants (CNN, Fox News, and three majors) that gave bastard births to media whore-junkies like Lady GaGa, Kim Kardashian and its latest baby-daddy creation Charlie Sheen. It’s an absolute disgrace that Lady GaGa ranks #1 as the most followed person on Twitter in the US while President Obama and Kim Kardashian are battling for position on Twitter depending on which day the wind blows up the skirt of Kim’s Channel dress in New York, during fashion week. Come on are we really serious as a nation or are we just playing games with ourselves while the rest of the world kicks our U.S. ass.
The U.S. media has done such a great job this week of convincing our young that this walking, breathing cluster called “Charlie Sheen” is real news they are begging for this clown to give commencement addresses at college graduations. What wrong with this picture? The U.S. media outlets, point blank. The media information hubs are leading American culture skipping down a roadway lined with ridiculous info/pop/shock a merical/news blend that grossly dumb down an already academically challenged “joe six pack” public. So how can we legitimately marvel at the clear ignorance displayed at beauty pageants question and answer sessions? Now as we follow the coverage of the crisis situation in Japan and view the constant streams of video footage, let us contemplate our own national dilemmas whether it is joblessness, violence or the U.S. education crisis. More importantly the media suits might have a change of heart and shift the gears of their information machinery and retool a bit and fashion their product in way that adds more substantive ingredients driven by educational facts and bypass the fillers of celebrity sensationalism new that fattens your profit margins while Main Street suffers bloated malnutrition.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
(Exclusive) Clearing Up Celebrity Cougar Foolishness
Hear Her Roar (THE BOSS)
Shaunie O'Neal (ex-wife of NBA star Shaquille O'Neal) reigns supreme in the hierarchy of the cougar kingdom for a few reasons mainly because she is choosing cougary as her prerogative rather than a desperation shot from behind the 3 point line like some of her contemporaries. Look this woman has had the marriage and the kids and is financially stable. Her hit VH1 show Basketball Wives will become her franchise and tie down any financial loose end if any exists. If she has no aspiration for marriage in the near future who can blame her for enlisting the servicing of a young, scrapping buck for his 24 year old "beat down" and arm trophy services. Bottom-line, Shaunie is a certified "Boss" in the cougar kingdom and appears to be very in touch with her status. She's not playing games with herself or anyone else with regards to what she wants and gets out of the relationship, she's "crystal" on this point, so hear this MILF roar.
We Get It
Now this is pure speculation/observation but Nick Cannon and Mrs. Cannon are truly in love. Let's face it Nick Cannon by all societal measures is a serious "catch" in not just the black community but the world community. Most women and some men would chew something off (you decide) for a shot at his title. Why else would a 29 year old, successful, high profile, black male retire his player card to 11 years his senior Madame Butterfly? One word "love". Will this be his only marriage is debatable especially with Mariah's tendencies towards being "extra". It's just not a good look for a middle aged mother of twins to sport the tight booty shorts on roller skates while singing the jiggle for Bubbas Car Wash but someone has to do it and Mrs. Cannon is known to make application for such jobs. Her cougar card is very understandable and we get it because clearly that "clock" was ticking like "Big Ben" and Nick was willing to sign up for her course in "how extra can one woman be" for that we have to celebrate and enjoy their happiness.
Now as for Vivica A. Fox 46, she might want to consider legally changing that name to "Vivica A. Fool" because that's all she's going to be hearing as she walks down the street with her homecare aid/fiancé Omar Whatever 27. Seriously Ms. Fox this move is not a good look for you or any woman contemplating cougardom because it just simply feels desperate and we feel sorry for you. Ladies looking to go cougar don't be confused a true cougar is in control and not compromising on her real motivations. If you're looking to get married (one that will last), have children, etc., by no means follow in Vivica's paw steps especially if you've never been married. This Omar kid has everything to gain and nothing at risk in this scenario. She's putting him on the map and he has pretty much said it himself. Granted her career hasn’t been kicking ass as of late with her leading roles in high school type productions but come on Vivica "do you think Malcolm X died so you could look like a chump?" Rule of thumb for ladies on the brink of cougarville, if you are 35 plus years old wanting marriage and kids don't even think about going cougar because it is a one way road to a dead end where you might find Vivica A. Fool and Omar Whatever getting it on in the back seat of a minivan. Not good, continue with caution.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Beyonce: I Gave Gaddafi's Concert Money To Haiti Relief
Granted the PR move for everyone is to distance themselves from this money and the "bad guy" of the month but true be told the fan's of Beyonce and others could give a flip because they aren't plug into world events at this level. So if these artist are rushing to write off these funds will governments refuse crude oil for this region? Doubt it.
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